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Herbs and Tea

Do not deprive your kitchen of the power of plants.

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Walnut Leaf 80g (Juglans regia) - Arifoğlu
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Walnut Leaf 80g (Juglans regia)
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Chia Seed (Economic Size) 500g - Arifoğlu
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Chia Seed (Economic Size) 500g
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Chia Seed (Canister) 200g - Arifoğlu
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Chia Seed (Canister) 200g
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Gymnema 50g - Arifoğlu
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Gymnema 50g
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Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) 70g - Arifoğlu
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Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) 70g
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Sycamore Leaf (Platanus) 30g - Arifoğlu
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Sycamore Leaf (Platanus) 30g
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Tribulus Terrestris 100g - Arifoğlu
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Tribulus Terrestris 100g
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9 in 1 Form Tea 200g - Arifoğlu
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9 in 1 Form Tea 200g
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9in1 Form Tea (60 Tea Bags) - Arifoğlu
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9in1 Form Tea (60 Tea Bags)
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Burdock (Herbs) (Arctium minus ) 110g - Arifoğlu
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Mallow Leaves (Malva sp,) 50g - Arifoğlu
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Mallow Leaves (Malva sp,) 50g
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Echinacea Linden Tea (20 Tea Bags) - Arifoğlu
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Echinacea Linden Tea (20 Tea Bags)
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Apple Tea (Pyrus malus L) 170g - Arifoğlu
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Apple Tea (Pyrus malus L) 170g
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Apple Tea (20 Tea Bags) - Arifoğlu
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Apple Tea (20 Tea Bags)
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Heather Water 500ml - Arifoğlu
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Heather Water 500ml
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Heather Leaf (Calluna vulgaris) 120g - Arifoğlu
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Heather Leaf (Calluna vulgaris) 120g
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 Red Rose Buds (Rosa sp) 90g - Arifoğlu
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Red Rose Buds (Rosa sp) 90g
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Marshmallow Flower 40g - Arifoğlu
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Marshmallow Flower 40g
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chaste water 500ml - Arifoğlu
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chaste water 500ml
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Vitex agnus-castus 150g - Arifoğlu
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Vitex agnus-castus 150g
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Hibiscus 100g - Arifoğlu
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Hibiscus 100g
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Linden (Leaf) (Tilia sp,) 250g - Arifoğlu
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Linden (Leaf) (Tilia sp,) 250g
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Linden Flower 50g - Arifoğlu
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Linden Flower 50g
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Linden Tea (20 Tea Bags) - Arifoğlu
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Linden Tea (20 Tea Bags)
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Nettle Herb (Urtica sp,) 50g - Arifoğlu
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Nettle Herb (Urtica sp,) 50g
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Nettle Tea (20 Tea Bags) - Arifoğlu
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Nettle Tea (20 Tea Bags)
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Nettle Seed (Ground) 100g - Arifoğlu
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Nettle Seed (Ground) 100g
There is a total of 145 products

Medicinal plants, which have been preferred around the world for centuries to prevent or get rid of many ailments, can offer all the important nutritional values ​​and richness of nature to their users. Many of these medicinal products, which are consumed with pleasure as herbal tea, are among the popular features such as having their own unique aromas and smells and benefits. You, too, can discover the healing aspects of plants, which nutrition and alternative medicine experts talk about with their consumption pleasure and benefits, right now with the assurance of Arifoğlu.

Herbal Tea Varieties
Herbal tea, which contains different benefits and healing aspects in each of its varieties, is especially famous for its effects such as accelerating metabolism and eliminating edema, thus, it becomes one of the products that stand out with its ideal and sufficient consumption, helping to lose weight. The fact that herbal teas can remove the excess from the body and at the same time purify them from toxic substances can be at least as purifying and regenerating as the weight loss effect.

Medicinal plants can be consumed with pleasure not only as cures to aid weight loss but also for the purpose of protecting health by supporting immunity. Refreshing and supporting the immunity, which is broken by the effect of cold weather in the winter months or the decrease of energy during busy periods, with warm tastes or tea time pleasures can help prevent many mild ailments before they occur or heal them after they occur.

Herbal tea varieties, which can have benefits that can make you feel the difference not only with their instant effects but also for a lifetime if consumed for a long time, can fight both the felt and visible effects of aging with their abundant antioxidants. While antioxidants, which are at war with the early signs of aging as well as daily complaints such as weakness or fatigue, can be taken into the body in a very delicious way through herbal teas, it can be seen that these teas, which support the regeneration of cells, should be included more in daily habits.

While each plant has a different subject or body area that benefits depending on its content and consumption, some teas are thought to be good for overcoming insomnia, relieving skin complaints, for balancing blood pressure and blood sugar. While it is recommended that you choose the most suitable one for yourself among the medicinal plants whose benefits you cannot finish talking about briefly, it is possible to say goodbye to your complaints by regularly consuming the product you prefer with its benefits.

Herbal Tea Prices
Medicinal plants, which are recommended to be taken in different varieties and consumed according to their place, can show their promised benefits when consumed regularly. In addition, having natural production conditions is an important feature of herbal teas in terms of showing their benefits, while it is possible to come across uniquely affordable prices in all products offered to you by Arifoğlu in order to ensure both regular consumption and easy supply of different varieties and the quality of naturalness to be discovered by everyone.

Continuing its attention to natural and organic production conditions in all herbal tea varieties, in reaching the consumer at affordable prices, Arifoğlu welcomes you with options that can appeal to every budget, and helps you to bring the varieties of herbs you want to your homes thanks to the affordable price chart. Thus, Arifoğlu offers you different forms and packages of a single plant for those who want to invite naturalness to their home and health to their life, in line with their budget, and enable you to benefit from the miraculous aspects of plants with the most affordable options.

What Are Medicinal Plants?
Although it has been known and used for centuries, many of the plants that have recently gained popularity with both the suggestions of alternative medicine experts and the trend of choosing the natural one, are actually products that have managed to find a place for themselves in many cultures with different uses and different benefits. These plants, which enable the body to absorb important components that are already present in nature by preparing beverages such as tea or adding them to meals, also offer a wide variety of flavors that can appeal to different palates.

While pure salep, which is used in making real ice cream, is also used to prepare heart-warming drinks during the winter months, flaxseed, which is highly appreciated when mixed with basil or yogurt used in meals as well as added to salads, shows that the products in the category of medicinal plants can actually be found in all areas of life and many shows that it can appeal to different consumer tastes.

You can open your doors to a much healthier life with herbal tea varieties that you can enjoy with their quality, naturalness, and healing, and you can consume as you wish, and you can choose Arifoğlu pages to benefit from the most attractive prices while examining all product varieties together.

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