Rice bran oil, which is obtained by squeezing the remaining hulls, in other words, the bran, after processing the rice grains, has started to gain value, especially in recent years, with the increasing trend towards organic products.
Notable for its health benefits, rice bran oil is also widely used in the manufacture of medicinal and cosmetic products. The use of rice bran oil has been common in Far Eastern countries for centuries. Thanks to the antioxidants in its content, it is a very useful product, especially on the skin.
The annual production of rice bran oil, which is produced as a by-product of the processing of paddy from the fields, is around 1-1.5 million tons worldwide. The majority of this amount consists of rice-producing countries such as Myanmar, Japan, China, and India in the Asian continent.
India makes up about 50% of the world's rice bran oil production. Osmancık rice, which is a domestic rice variety in our country, and opela paddy, which is imported from abroad, are used to obtain oil in paddy processing factories in Thrace. To obtain rice bran oil, a process called solvent extraction is applied to the hulls of the processed rice grains.
First of all, the rice bran is subjected to the stabilization process and then the extraction process. Finally, with the help of vacuum devices, the oil is separated from the residues and into bubbles. The hexane released during these processes is completely evaporated to obtain organic rice bran oil.
The demand for rice bran oil is increased, because it has a high nutritional value, it has been given importance to the production of rice bran oil, although it is difficult to obtain from a technological point of view.