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ProKids Honey Royal Jelly Propolis Orange Flavor Vitamin C 150g

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Product Code : 600 09 171
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04.04.2025 tarihine kadar kargoda

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Arifoğlu Prokids: Orange Flavor for Kids, Honey + Propolis Extract (Water-Based) + Royal Jelly + Vitamin C Mixture. 150 gr.

*The secret of more successful, stronger children of professional mothers:

* It does not contain chemicals such as alcohol, glycol, glycerin, emulsifier, thickeners, and preservatives. (Thus, the nutritional value increases. Because the cells in our body form a firewall against foreign-chemical substances and the absorption of active substances is considerably reduced and slowed down.)

*Produced using high technology with alcohol-free techniques.

*Water-based purified organic propolis; It is a standardized 10% organic propolis.

*Contains Organic Royal Jelly with a high HDA value (1.4).

It is consumed as a dietary supplement.

"After opening the package, it should be consumed within 6 (six) months. It should be stored at room temperature (+19°/+25°)."

"Let the seasons come and pass."

Bee milk
Royal jelly is the food of the queen bee and its nutritional value is quite high. Although the queen and worker bees have the same genetic structure when they hatch, feeding them with royal jelly at different rates and times during the larval stage causes their structures to differ. As a result of this different diet for only 6 days, the queen gains resistance to diseases, can produce eggs twice its own weight (1500-3000) per day, and live for 6 years. Other worker bees, on the other hand, get sick easily, and cannot lay eggs even though they are female, and live only 2 months. This degree of differentiation between the two individuals is due to the fact that they are fed only with royal jelly.

"Propolis", which means the keeper of the city or the system, is the strongest protective, covering and cleansing substance in nature. It is the material that worker bees cover the hive by collecting the buds and bark of various trees and shrubs, especially poplar, oak, beech, eucalyptus, acacia, and conifer trees, to protect their hives and themselves from external factors, micro-organisms, and other factors.
The propolis collection process is carried out by a very small group of worker bees. The bee extracts some resinous material from the source plant using its hind legs and upper jaw mixes this piece with digestive enzymes in its mouth, turns it into pellets, and carries it to the hive.
It is a concentrated extract of propolis obtained from the highlands of the Black Sea and Eastern Anatolia Regions, produced only with deionized water using high technology in a sterile laboratory environment. It contains phenolic compounds produced by bees and very rich enzymes. (It contains high levels of antioxidants, antibiotics, and flavonoids. It also contains calcium, magnesium, zinc, caffeic acid, phenylcyric acid, ferulic acid, and phenols.)

Origin: Turkey.

Children under 2 years of age are not recommended to consume.
May show allergic reactions in sensitive and sensitive bodies to bee products.

Our company has ISO 9001:2015 Quality and ISO 22000:2005 Food Safety Management certificates.

Business Registration Number: TR-34-K-000495
It has been produced in accordance with the Turkish Food Codex.
Recommended Expiry Date (TETT) and Lot No (PN) are on the packaging. Store in a cool, dry place away from light.

To inform:
In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, no promotion is made regarding herbal supplement products by specifying the name of the disease or indication. Our products are not drugs; It is a herbal supplement.
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