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Black Mulberry Leaf

Black Mulberry Leaf

Black mulberry, whose Latin name is "Morus Nigra", is from the mulberry family. Black mulberry, whose homeland is Turkestan, has spread over a wide area from Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Mediterranean countries in the west, to Europe and China in the east. It likes light-textured soils. It is a tree that sheds its leaves in winter and is resistant to cold.

It blooms greenish flowers in spring among its thick branches. It has a sensitive and fragile root structure. When the flowers mature, they turn into black mulberry fruits with great taste. It leaves a deep flavor on the palate with its distinctive aroma and slightly sour taste. It can be used to make almost all kinds of desserts. It freely exhibits its taste in various forms in cream sauces, cakes, ice creams, jams, molasses, and compotes.

The black mulberry tree is a tree that has been the subject of poems, songs, and stories. According to the mythological story, the gods, who saw that Tispe and Piremus, who were in love with each other, died for their love, gave the blood of Piremus to the fruits of the tree and the tears of Tispe to the leaves of the tree to immortalize this love. It is believed that only black mulberry leaves (Tispe's tears) remove the stain of the black mulberry fruit (Pyremus' blood stain).

From the black mulberry leaf plant; Black mulberry leaf tea and tincture are produced.

[1] http://www.bitkiseldermanlar.com/bitkiler/karadutun-faydalari.html
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