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Ball Thyme

Ball Thyme

Marble thyme, whose Latin name is 'Thymus Vulgaris, is from the honeydew family. Its homeland is the Mediterranean. It grows widely in the Southwest Anatolia region of our country. It is a broad-leaved, mint-like type of thyme. It got this name because its flowers resemble marbles. It is a perennial herb with a strong scent.

With its sharp smell, Marble thyme is much more than a family of plants. It enriches almost any meat dish with its aroma. It freely exhibits its taste in soups, omelets, tomato dishes, and pizzas. It is a great seasoning for preparing rich sauces.

From the ball thyme plant; ball thyme tea, ball thyme oil, ball thyme extract, ball thyme tincture, ball thyme soap, and shampoo are produced.

[1] Herbal Treatment in Turkey_Prof.Dr.Turhan Baytop_(s253)
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